Asesinatos en Gaza
A falta de tiempo para extenderme sobre la barbarie que no cesa y que tan elocuentemente resume el anterior vídeo de al-Yazira, recomiendo una breve exposición sobre la cobertura hoy en los medios occidentales de los asesinatos y la mendaz justificación de la "legítima defensa" israelí cada vez que el Estado hebreo se entrega a una de sus sangrientas matanzas: I was pretty surprised that the BBC headline was ‘Israel Strikes after Hamas Raid’. Excuse me? Again, the Hamas attack targeted Israeli soldiers inside Gaza-therefore, it was the Israeli Occupation Forces that were conducting the raid, not the Palestinian resistance. That’s just a blatant attempt at covering for Israeli war crimes by painting the murder of Palestinians today as legitimate retaliation.
Para un interesantísimo estudio más detallado sobre cómo funcionan los medios israelíes y el uso que hacen del lenguaje, vale la pena leer un artículo publicado por el ex corresponsal israelí Yonatan Mendel en London Review of Books, How to become an Israeli journalist: In most of the articles on the conflict two sides battle it out: the Israel Defence Forces, on the one hand, and the Palestinians, on the other. When a violent incident is reported, the IDF confirms or the army says but the Palestinians claim: ‘The Palestinians claimed that a baby was severely injured in IDF shootings.’ Is this a fib? ‘The Palestinians claim that Israeli settlers threatened them’: but who are the Palestinians? Did the entire Palestinian people, citizens of Israel, inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, people living in refugee camps in neighbouring Arab states and those living in the diaspora make the claim?
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